Monday, November 4, 2013

Jack's Top-10 NES/SNES

Hello everybody, today I thought I would give you my top 10 list of all-time favorite video games For the NES/SNES
 10. Super Mario Kart (Snes) ~This game is what not only got me interested in the Mario Kart series, but into all racing games in general, and is well deserving enough to be on the list.

 09. Super Mario World (Snes) ~Ahh...A game that was amazing both single player as well as multiplayer. This game has an amazing story, with a world map that had endless paths and secrets for one to discover.

08. Final Fantasy 1 (Nes) ~This game is absolutely amazing. It has a mind-blowing soundtrack, and a storyline so good, you actually feel like you are saving the world every time you play.

 07. Donkey Kong Country 1-3 (Snes) ~The DKC series was a huge hit for the SNES era. It takes you through a bunch of different worlds,from jungles to mines, and from lakes to forest. The scenery alone, makes this game have endless replay value

 06. Castlevania 2: Simon's Quest (Nes) ~This game was very fun playing growing up. It is ridiculously hard, and the day-night feature really sets the mood for how intense this game, and the rest of the series, really is

 05. Mc. Kids (Nes) ~A lot of people probably haven't heard about this game, it is actually pretty unique as it features characters from McDonald's. Aside from being a game related to Big Macs and large fries, this game as a feel similar to Mario games, that makes it one of my favorites of all times

 04. Wizards and Warriors 3 (Nes) ~This game could arguably be #1 on my list. It features 3 different worlds, from dark gloomy caves, to majestic Palaces. Exploring this games worlds is completely mind-blowing, and the storyline is one of my absolute favorites.

 03. Super Mario Bros. 3 (Nes) ~8 different worlds, with 8 different musical themes for each one. Over 80+ levels, plus fortresses and Airships. This game is one of the greatest games of all time, and most deserving f.or any top 10

 02. Zelda: A Link to the Past (Snes) ~To this day, this is my favorite Zelda game. 12 intense dungeons and one of the best world maps any any game thus far. This game will always be my #1 Zelda game

 01. Dragon Warrior 4 (Nes) ~How to describe this game. I literally give this game a rating of 10/10 in gameplay, graphics, music, and storyline. 8 party members from soldiers and fighters, to black and white magic users. And endless supply of weapnns and armor to strengthen your characters. With a massive bestiary, this game really makes you work for ultimate success. An intense, heart-touching storyline of love, world domination, and personal growth, this game will always be #1 on my list of games. Not only from NES/SNES, but #1 from any system made thus far.


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